I M I S S Y O U S O M U C H !
C A N Y O U U N D E R S T A N D I T ?
it's about my life :j
hey !
i'm cathrine angelica marjourie kustarjo .
welcome to my world :D
welcome to my world :D
Senin, 09 Mei 2011
hey :D
for this morning , i said "happy 4months anniversary sayang :)"
glad to have you in 4months , i really love you , until now. do you realize it ? i hope yeah :) thankyou for loving me.
for this afternoon , i said "thankyou , goodbye :("
i'm sorry for all my mistakes , i don't know what's wrong with us but we've to broke up. that's so hurt me but it's okay , i know the reasons why and i can understand.
and for this evening , i said "hey, i miss you so much, can you come back ?"
i don't know about my feelings now. i feel happy , glad , desperate , sad , crazy , badmood , etc. and i don't know what you feel , do you feel the same ? i hope.
and for the finally..
i love you but this is the fact , we can't keep our relationship and this is the end. we broke up and try to move on. maybe hard for me , maybe for you too. but we must do it , we can't like this. and i don't want to always crying for someone who no longer be mine. i really really glad to have you yesterday , this is so hurt me , we broke up in our's day. it's okay it's okay , i can handle it.
thankyou so much for everything , for rumma , for easterday , for your love , your care , your times , and much.
i'm sorry for all my mistakes , i'm sorry if i've hurt you yesterday..
see you soon , i still love you , take care , don't be naughty , goodbye :')
for this morning , i said "happy 4months anniversary sayang :)"
glad to have you in 4months , i really love you , until now. do you realize it ? i hope yeah :) thankyou for loving me.
for this afternoon , i said "thankyou , goodbye :("
i'm sorry for all my mistakes , i don't know what's wrong with us but we've to broke up. that's so hurt me but it's okay , i know the reasons why and i can understand.
and for this evening , i said "hey, i miss you so much, can you come back ?"
i don't know about my feelings now. i feel happy , glad , desperate , sad , crazy , badmood , etc. and i don't know what you feel , do you feel the same ? i hope.
and for the finally..
i love you but this is the fact , we can't keep our relationship and this is the end. we broke up and try to move on. maybe hard for me , maybe for you too. but we must do it , we can't like this. and i don't want to always crying for someone who no longer be mine. i really really glad to have you yesterday , this is so hurt me , we broke up in our's day. it's okay it's okay , i can handle it.
thankyou so much for everything , for rumma , for easterday , for your love , your care , your times , and much.
i'm sorry for all my mistakes , i'm sorry if i've hurt you yesterday..
see you soon , i still love you , take care , don't be naughty , goodbye :')
Jumat, 08 April 2011
3months with you :')
3 months 3 months 3 months ..
quickly also turns out we already 3 months now, until now I still don;t think that you're back with me again.
yes we've a lot coz it together for 3 months, from joking together to fight together.
all experience with you :)
I really want to taste past 9 years to come and directly into 2020, I wanted a quick marriage! the exact same as you haha
thank god for 3 months, thanks for the experience you've given to us. we hopefully everlasting :)
i love you bep :*
quickly also turns out we already 3 months now, until now I still don;t think that you're back with me again.
yes we've a lot coz it together for 3 months, from joking together to fight together.
all experience with you :)
I really want to taste past 9 years to come and directly into 2020, I wanted a quick marriage! the exact same as you haha
thank god for 3 months, thanks for the experience you've given to us. we hopefully everlasting :)
i love you bep :*
Rabu, 23 Maret 2011
fuckin great quote !
♥ ♥
♥ ♥
Jumat, 11 Maret 2011
mooom ♥
when i hear this song ...
You gave life to me
Turned a baby into a lady
And mama
All you had to offer
Was a promise of a lifetime of love
Now I know
There is no other
Love like a mother's love for her child
And I know
love so complete
Someday must leave
Must say goodbye
Goodbye's the saddest word I'll ever hear
Goodbye's the last time I will hold you near
Someday you'll say that word and I will cry
It'll break my heart to hear you say goodbye
You gave love to me
Turned a young one into a woman
And mama
All I ever needed
Was a guarantee of you loving me
'Cause I know
There is no other
Love like a mother's love for her child
And it hurts so
That something so strong
Someday'll be gone, must say goodbye
Goodbye's the saddest word I'll ever hear
Goodbye's the last time I will hold you near
Someday you'll say that word and I will cry
It'll break my heart to hear you say goodbye
But the love you givin me will always live
You'll always be there every time I fall
You are to me the greatest love of all
you take my weakness
and make me strong
And I will always love you
Till forever comes
And when you need me
I'll be there for you always
I'll be there your whole life through
I'll be there Please stop crying its me, mama
I'll be your beacon through your darkest night
I'll be your wings that guide your broken heart
I'll be your shelter through the raging storm
and I will love you till forever comes
Goodbye's the saddest word I'll ever hear
Goodbye's the last time I will hold you near
Someday you'll say that word and I will cry
It'll break my heart to hear you say goodbye
'Till we meet again...
Until then...
honest I cried, I imagine how it all happened.
mama left me, if mama could forever? always there for me when I need you ma?
I'm sorry for all the mistakes I have done so far.
I apologize if it always makes my mom was disappointed, make mama sad, make mama mad or maybe make mama cry :(
for anything, I really love you ma, I'm afraid something will happen.
after hearing this song, the more I understand how much meaning a mama.
don't leave me alone ma, i love you :')

You gave life to me
Turned a baby into a lady
And mama
All you had to offer
Was a promise of a lifetime of love
Now I know
There is no other
Love like a mother's love for her child
And I know
love so complete
Someday must leave
Must say goodbye
Goodbye's the saddest word I'll ever hear
Goodbye's the last time I will hold you near
Someday you'll say that word and I will cry
It'll break my heart to hear you say goodbye
You gave love to me
Turned a young one into a woman
And mama
All I ever needed
Was a guarantee of you loving me
'Cause I know
There is no other
Love like a mother's love for her child
And it hurts so
That something so strong
Someday'll be gone, must say goodbye
Goodbye's the saddest word I'll ever hear
Goodbye's the last time I will hold you near
Someday you'll say that word and I will cry
It'll break my heart to hear you say goodbye
But the love you givin me will always live
You'll always be there every time I fall
You are to me the greatest love of all
you take my weakness
and make me strong
And I will always love you
Till forever comes
And when you need me
I'll be there for you always
I'll be there your whole life through
I'll be there Please stop crying its me, mama
I'll be your beacon through your darkest night
I'll be your wings that guide your broken heart
I'll be your shelter through the raging storm
and I will love you till forever comes
Goodbye's the saddest word I'll ever hear
Goodbye's the last time I will hold you near
Someday you'll say that word and I will cry
It'll break my heart to hear you say goodbye
'Till we meet again...
Until then...
honest I cried, I imagine how it all happened.
mama left me, if mama could forever? always there for me when I need you ma?
I'm sorry for all the mistakes I have done so far.
I apologize if it always makes my mom was disappointed, make mama sad, make mama mad or maybe make mama cry :(
for anything, I really love you ma, I'm afraid something will happen.
after hearing this song, the more I understand how much meaning a mama.
don't leave me alone ma, i love you :')

Selasa, 22 Februari 2011
confused , tired with this trouble :((
ngga tau yah ini udah keberapa kalinya ngdebatin masalah ttg cewe itu.
gw udah bener-bener ngga tau mau ngmng apaan lagi, ngga tau musi ngmng apa ke tu cewe spaya dia ngdengerin kata-kata gw kemaren.
mau apapun gmanapun hubungan lo sama dia tuh tetep aja bikin gw jealous, dia mantan lo, sampe skrg masih pake aku kamu.
jujur gw kalo tau lo lagi sama dia, ato ngliat comment facebook, nyesek tau ngga, gw tuh nangis ! sakit rasanyaa :'(
tapi gw tetep nyoba sabar n ngertiin kalian, kalian 'temen', kalian 1 sekolah + 1 kelas, kalian ngurusin hal itu bareng-bareng.
ngerti gw ngerti banget, tapi apa salah kalo gw jd jealous ? apa salah kalo gw takut lo clbk ke dia ?
kalo lo mau tau, gw bikin blog ini sambil nangis malem-malem jem 12 ! gw ngga bsa tidur mikirin lo, gw takut, gw ngga tau musi gimana.
sumpah gw sayang banget sama lo pin, gw pengen lo slalu ada bwd gw, gw slalu nyoba bwd ngertiin lo, slalu yaa slalu.
please yaa lo jangan pernah berubah, gw yang sharusnya berubah jd ngga cemburuan, gw pengen bsa cuek kayak lo tapi gw ngga bsa ! gw tau lo welcome sama smw org, gw tau lo deket sama banyak org.
just please understand about me, everytime I always need you :(
maaf pin sama smwnya, gw nyesel kayak kemaren, gw nyesel jealous gtu tapi gw ngga bsa nahan rasa jealous itu.
makasih udah ngasih gw kesempatan, ngga akan gw sia-siain :')
Love you :'( ♥ (˘⌣˘)ε˘`)
gw udah bener-bener ngga tau mau ngmng apaan lagi, ngga tau musi ngmng apa ke tu cewe spaya dia ngdengerin kata-kata gw kemaren.
mau apapun gmanapun hubungan lo sama dia tuh tetep aja bikin gw jealous, dia mantan lo, sampe skrg masih pake aku kamu.
jujur gw kalo tau lo lagi sama dia, ato ngliat comment facebook, nyesek tau ngga, gw tuh nangis ! sakit rasanyaa :'(
tapi gw tetep nyoba sabar n ngertiin kalian, kalian 'temen', kalian 1 sekolah + 1 kelas, kalian ngurusin hal itu bareng-bareng.
ngerti gw ngerti banget, tapi apa salah kalo gw jd jealous ? apa salah kalo gw takut lo clbk ke dia ?
kalo lo mau tau, gw bikin blog ini sambil nangis malem-malem jem 12 ! gw ngga bsa tidur mikirin lo, gw takut, gw ngga tau musi gimana.
sumpah gw sayang banget sama lo pin, gw pengen lo slalu ada bwd gw, gw slalu nyoba bwd ngertiin lo, slalu yaa slalu.
please yaa lo jangan pernah berubah, gw yang sharusnya berubah jd ngga cemburuan, gw pengen bsa cuek kayak lo tapi gw ngga bsa ! gw tau lo welcome sama smw org, gw tau lo deket sama banyak org.
just please understand about me, everytime I always need you :(
maaf pin sama smwnya, gw nyesel kayak kemaren, gw nyesel jealous gtu tapi gw ngga bsa nahan rasa jealous itu.
makasih udah ngasih gw kesempatan, ngga akan gw sia-siain :')
Love you :'( ♥ (˘⌣˘)ε˘`)
Senin, 21 Februari 2011
capek ? iya gw capek .
gw capek jd egois , gw capek kayak gini , gw cma usaha bwd SELALU ngertiin lo , usaha bwd SABAR .
gw musi gimana lagi sih ? udah brkali-kali gw sabar, gw ngertiin smwnya.
gw capek ngertiin tu cewe !! capek gw capeekk !!
kayak gini , sama dia ganggu tau ngga ?! kalo dia bsa jaga sikap, ngga akan ada ribut !
kalo dia tau diri , gw ngga akan kayak gini .
gw aja ngga pernah cerita sama cowonya skalipun itu SAHABAT gw, sms aja gw ngga mau !
mau tu cewe cerita sama temen-temennya kek, sendiri kek, intinya dia sama lo kan .__.
yang tdnya gw ngga mau nangis, gw jd nangis lagi.
tau ngga ? nangis bikin gw makin ke siksa !
gw sayang sama lo, sayang banget, gw ngga mau kayak gini keulang lagi :'(
gw capek jd egois , gw capek kayak gini , gw cma usaha bwd SELALU ngertiin lo , usaha bwd SABAR .
gw musi gimana lagi sih ? udah brkali-kali gw sabar, gw ngertiin smwnya.
gw capek ngertiin tu cewe !! capek gw capeekk !!
kayak gini , sama dia ganggu tau ngga ?! kalo dia bsa jaga sikap, ngga akan ada ribut !
kalo dia tau diri , gw ngga akan kayak gini .
gw aja ngga pernah cerita sama cowonya skalipun itu SAHABAT gw, sms aja gw ngga mau !
mau tu cewe cerita sama temen-temennya kek, sendiri kek, intinya dia sama lo kan .__.
yang tdnya gw ngga mau nangis, gw jd nangis lagi.
tau ngga ? nangis bikin gw makin ke siksa !
gw sayang sama lo, sayang banget, gw ngga mau kayak gini keulang lagi :'(
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